What is the Utility-first standard in CSS?


Viewed 90 times


In CSS, there are patterns like WELL for the organisation of the nomenclature of the HSC classes.

Recently, with the rise of libraries like the Tailwind CSS, I realized the existence of a new* CSS template (now even more attached to HTML) called Utility-first.

For those who don’t have much contact with this CSS standard, the HTML code (which is now also responsible for styling) seems to get more polluted.

  • What are the advantages of the model Utility-first?
  • And the disadvantages?
  • *It’s a new pattern?
  • What is the purpose of it and what problems it solves?
  • 2

    I’m going to comment with a link https://answall.com/questions/432733/methodologia-de-scriptedcss-usando-no-classe-tailwind-css, I understand perfectly that it doesn’t answer the sub-question Quais são as vantagens do modelo utility-first?, but it answers the rest. In short, if someone takes "X" and decides to start using for a specific case they may even invent such a methodology, but that doesn’t even mean it’s good, it just means that people liked it and for them it was practical and arguments in favor will be pure "marketing", the "like" gets confused a lot with the "be better".

  • I think in a slightly different approach hj on that day, when give a little time I will post in a reply with some details I haven’t seen elsewhere

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