Page effects with javascript


Viewed 782 times


Can anyone answer me how to make pagination effects on my HTML page? For example I have a table but this table can only display 10 records at a time, does anyone have any idea how to do this using Angularjs or jquery?

  • For Angularjs I’ve used ng-table, there’s also ng-grid, just search

  • Thanks guy, I searched but I didn’t find, you know how I access this at the angle? , example I click the button and call a function that references that button using this, as I would do with Angularjs?

  • You can use ng-click, and call the method, search "Crud Angularjs" which will find some examples of entries.

  • RECOMMEND: Angular UI Bootstrap - Pagination Directive Example: Check out: COMPLETE CODE: Another recommendation:

  • This may help. Simple table with pagination

1 answer


Leonardo, follow the example below that I implemented upon the Dirpagination directive:

The only change I made was to add the Animated.css file to the header, so I added the animation class to ngRepeat ( in the case of Dir-Pagination ), so any filter, or paging, will have the effect:

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />

<li class="animated fadeIn" dir-paginate="meal in meals | filter:q | itemsPerPage: pageSize" current-page="currentPage">{{ meal }}</li>

That is, it was not necessary to use anything other than css for this purpose.

Follow the site if you want to use other animations:

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