How to get a POST parameter in REST application


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I started a Rest application and have a java class createPost

    public static String createPost(@FormParam("loopID") String loopID) throws IOException {
         ConnectDAO dao = ConnectDAO();
         Post post = new Post();

Where it will receive by parameter this "value".

In javascript I have to create a service since I use angular called createPost, and it will do the "POST".

createPost: function(loopID) {
            if (!loopID) {
                hyatt.ui.view.alert('There is no file to upload. Please choose a file.');
            } else {
                return http({
                    method: 'POST',
                    url: url + '/post/',
                    headers: {
                        'Content-Type': undefined
                    transformRequest: formData
            // This forces the break of execution.
            throw new Error('The UploadService service needs a file and this file cannot be a video');


Above I’m getting by parameter the value I want to pass to JAVA.How can I be doing this? I tried with @Formparam but it didn’t work.

Note: I am not currently able to pick up via @Pathparam since the url calls an external service.

Anyone who can help, thank you.

1 answer


Try it like this.

@Produces("application/json ; charset=UTF-8")
public String createPost(String loopId){
    ConnectDAO dao = ConnectDAO();
    Post post = new Post();
    return "";
  • restored to me the following error: 204 - No Content. I believe I have solved in the sense of taking the parameter...

  • You debugged the java code to see if the method was executed and if the loopId parameter was filled in?

  • yes! de qualquer forma consegui assim no JS
var data = '&idLoop=' + idLoop + '&title=' + title + '&folderID=' + folderID;
 return + '/post/' +, data);

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