SQL doubt in query


Viewed 63 times


Can someone give me some guidance in this consultation? How to find out how many possible shows watched?

For viewers of the day "24/07/2020" who passed the turnstile before the opening time of the show, list the ticket number, the time of entry, the name of the viewer and number of possible shows watched (considering only the entrance time).

SELECT i.numero, i.horaentrada, p.nome
FROM pessoa P
INNER JOIN espectador E ON e.cpfpessoa = p.cpf
INNER JOIN ingresso I ON e.cpfpessoa = i.cpfespectador
INNER JOIN show S ON s.datalineup = i.datalineupentrada
WHERE i.pertencedatalineup = '24/07/2020' and i.horaentrada < s.horainicio;


Person {Cpf, name}

Spectator {cpfpessoa, code}

Ticket {number, value, outgoing date, incoming time, incoming time, belonging to datalineup}

Lineup {datalineup}

Show {local name, schedule, datalineup}

Band {name, ordemapresentation, nomelocalshow, datalineupshow, scheduleshow}



   3   21:00      Corina Brandan                                    
   3   21:00      Corina Brandan                                    
   8   22:00      Cristovao Aranha 

I need you to show the amount of shows watched based on the time of entry.

  • From what you posted there is no field pertencedatalineup on the table ingresso. Perhaps if you informed an example of the result obtained and the desired result someone could guide you. I believe the aggregation function count together with the clause GROUP BY can help you.

  • What is the difference between columns pertencedatalineup and datalineupentrada?

  • Add what contains each column of the tables, especially those that will be used in the sql code.

  • really, 'belossedatalineup' and 'datalineupentrate' are the same

1 answer


Here’s a possible solution:

-- código #1
-- © José Diz (Porto SQL)

with Comparecimento as (
SELECT numero, datalineupentrada, horaentrada, cpfespectador
  from Ingresso
  where datalineupentrada = convert (date, '24/7/2020', 103)
SELECT C.numero, C.horaentrada, P.nome, count(*) as [Shows assistidos]
  from Comparecimento as C
       inner join Pessoa as P on P.cpf = C.cpfespectador
       inner join Show as S on s.datalineup = C.datalineupentrada
  where S.horainicio >= C.horaentrada
  group by C.numero, C.horaentrada, P.nome;

The CTE Attendance selects the tickets that were presented on the desired date. From this relationship are obtained the name of the person and the shows that would start after the entry of the person.

There are factors that can confuse when manipulating dates in SQL Server, leading to errors in execution almost always related to the ignorance of how SQL Server interprets literals (strings) containing date. So, whenever providing dates as literal, be aware to use in a way that does not generate misinterpretations, depending on how the LANGUAGE and/or the session DATEFORMAT is configured. Examples of errors that may occur, and their solutions, are in the article "Dominating dates and times in SQL Server”.

  • 1

    Thank you very much for the example and explanation, you really helped!

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