download with requests and open python


Viewed 231 times


The following code is part of a loop that will download multiple files and save to their respective directories.

I’m trying to download the file from the "url" and want to save in a directory of choice. The problem is that the file does not have a default name, it is generated randomly. Each url has its file with a non-standard name.

My doubt would be like "catch" the file name to set in open('C:/teste/'..., since the file name is required to be able to download and save.

url= "" 
zip = requests.get(url, verify = False) 
with open('C:/teste/', 'wb') as teste:
  • Saul, good morning! You want to set a name arbitrarily or you want the name to be what comes by "default" in the file?

  • by default, thank you

2 answers


thanks again @lmonferrari The solution:

a = re.findall(r'filename=(.*)', zip.headers['content-disposition']): 
arq = "".join(a)
with open('C:/teste/' + arq, 'wb') as teste:

search in the headers the file name

a = re.findall(r'filename=(.*)', zipheaders['content-disposition']): 

Convert the list file name to string:

arq = "".join(a)

Saved in directory by adding file name

with open('C:/teste/' + arq, 'wb') as teste:


Importing the required packages, please note that I have placed warnings as it shows a ssl error

import requests
import zipfile
import io
import warnings


File url

url = ''

Request for the file

response = requests.get(url, verify = False, stream = True)

Creating the zip file

file = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content))

Extracting the file(note that the path is the path where you will unzip the file, in this case will unzip in the script directory in zips folder)

path = './zips'


import requests
import zipfile
import io
import warnings


url = ''

response = requests.get(url, verify = False, stream = True)

file = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content))
path = './zips'


To save without extracting

import requests
import zipfile
import io
import warnings


url = ''

response = requests.get(url, verify = False, stream = True)

file = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(response.content))

name = ''.join(a for a in file.namelist() if a.endswith('itr'))[1:-4]
with open(f'{name}.zip', 'wb') as f:
    for a in response.iter_content(chunk_size=128):
  • 1

    thanks lmonferrari, I will adapt in code, hug

  • For nothing Saul, big hug!

  • lmonferrari the code was very useful, but the doubt arose to download without unzipping, is possible? thank you

  • Speak Saul, good afternoon! I added an update to the answer with some modifications. Hug!

  • 1

    perfect @lmonferrari worked, I went beyond, I ended up searching the file name in the "headers" page, follows my answer below.

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