I have a screen where I list files from a certain folder. I have a search bar that uses the same method to find files, but I can’t list by approximation. Example:
I have this file Papel_timbrado.docx
If I search "Paper" I find the file, but if I search "Letterhead" my search returns blank. there is some way to find by approximation the files?
I’m using the class System.IO
to find the files (GetFiles
public void PopulaLista(string arquivo, string extensao)
string resposta = "<table class=\"table table-striped table-bordered table_qr\" id=\"sample_1\" runat=\"server\">";
DirectoryInfo diretorio = new DirectoryInfo(objUtils.Diretorio("upload/pastamateriais/"));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arquivo) == true) { arquivo = "*"; }
FileInfo[] Arquivos = diretorio.GetFiles(arquivo + extensao);
resposta += " <thead>";
resposta += " <tr>";
resposta += " <th>Nome do Arquivo</th>";
resposta += " <th>Tipo</th>";
resposta += " <th>Tamanho</th>";
resposta += " <th style=\"width:70px;\">Ações</th>";
resposta += " </tr>";
resposta += " </thead>";
resposta += " <tbody>";
TextInfo myTI = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
foreach (FileInfo fileinfos in Arquivos)
if (fileinfos.Name != "Thumbs.db")
resposta += " <tr>";
resposta += " <td>" + myTI.ToTitleCase(fileinfos.Name.Replace(fileinfos.Extension, "").Replace("_", " ").Replace("-"," ")) + "</td>";
resposta += " <td><img alt='" + fileinfos.Extension + "' src='images/icon-" + fileinfos.Extension.Replace(".", "") + ".png' /></td>";
resposta += " <td>" + Convert.ToDecimal(fileinfos.Length / 1024) + " KB</td>";
resposta += " <td><a href=upload/pastamateriais/" + fileinfos.Name + " class=\"img_edit\" download><img src=\"images/download.png\" /></a><a id='" + fileinfos.Name + "' href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick='apagar(this.id);' class=\"img_del\"><img src=\"images/lixo.png\" /></a></td>";
resposta += " </tr>";
resposta += " </tbody>";
resposta += "</table>";
if (Request["acao"] == "Pesquisar")
divLista.InnerHtml = resposta;
Could you please post the code that filters these files by name? from what you have said, the code must be with Startswith(), if you change to a Contains() must resolve.
– PauloHDSousa
It would be interesting to see the code you are using. You are using wildcards?
– André Ribeiro