Google App Script in Google Calc - Cell using imported function does not update its value


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I have several google sheets (Google Calc) using a script made in Google App Script as library. The problem is that cells using these imported functions do not update their values when the imported script changes.

For example, in the script made in Google App Script I have the following code:

//Código do script (biblioteca que foi importada)
function operando(x,y){
  return x + y;

Already in the spreadsheet that imports this script as library I have the following code:

//Código no Google App Script da planilha
//A biblioteca foi importada com o nome de lib
//Esse código é necessário para eu ter acesso a função importada a partir de uma célula
function operando(x,y){
  return lib.operando(x,y);

If I type "=operand(2,3)" in a cell, it will return me the value 5 as expected.

The problem is when I change the code of the script that was imported:

//Código do script alterado (biblioteca que foi importada)
function operando(x,y){
  return x * y;

The cell should update its value to 6, but still shows the value 5. If I type in another cell the same formula with the same arguments, it returns me the expected 6.

Is there any way around this problem?

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