VIM Ctrlp - Looking for files with the same name


Viewed 84 times


database.yml no NERDTree

digitando o nome do arquivo database no CtrlP

I have a difficulty in using the VIM Ctrlp plugin, in case I have two files with the name "database", but Ctrlp only finds one of them as shown in the image. I am using the following setting in my . vimrc for Ctrlp:

let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'ag %s -i --nocolor --nogroup --hidden

Would anyone know why he only found one of the files?

  • 3

    I reopened the question why using tools used for programming is part of the scope.

  • Managed to solve your problem?

  • If you have created the file recently by vim, you have to update the Ctrlp cache, so press 'F5' during the search, and see if the result changes.

  • Hi, I took a break on the came, however a few days ago I returned to use with neo came and it is all ok now, thank you!

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