I cannot access array item inside object


Viewed 52 times


I am learning Javascript object orientation using Nodejs, and in a learning code I have created two classes: Person and Agenda, in which the Agenda has an array of the Person class, and in a search person by name function I have implemented I cannot get the result of the function.

Classes I created:

class Pessoa {
    constructor(nome, telefone) {
        this.nome = nome
        this.telefone = telefone

class Agenda {
    constructor(_options) {
        this.pessoas = []

        if (_options.length)
            this.length = _options.length
            this.length = 10

    length() {
        return this.length

    adicionarPessoa(Pessoa) {

    buscaPessoa(index) {
        return this.pessoas[index]

    buscaPessoaPorNome(nome) {
        this.pessoas.forEach(async (pessoa, index)=>{
            if (pessoa.nome === nome) {
                return pessoa

    listaPessoas() {
        this.pessoas.forEach((pessoa, index)=>{
            console.log(`ID: ${index}\n Nome: ${pessoa.nome}\n Telefone: ${pessoa.telefone}`)

Code where I ask and add 2 people to the agenda and try to access one by name:

var agenda = new Agenda({length: 10})

agenda.adicionarPessoa(new Pessoa('Bruno', '87 9 8000-5000'))

agenda.adicionarPessoa(new Pessoa('Luis', '87 9 1324-8962'))

var pessoa = agenda.buscaPessoaPorNome('Bruno')

console.log(pessoa.nome) //undefined <<---

I managed to solve using pessoas.find() array.

buscaPessoaPorNome(nome) {
        /* this.pessoas.forEach(async (pessoa, index)=>{
            if (pessoa.nome === nome) {
                return pessoa
        }) */
        return this.pessoas.find(e=>e.nome===nome)
  • 2

    Why don’t you use the method Array.prototype.find() for localization? return this.pessoas.find(e=>e===nome);

  • I don’t know if it would help because each person is an object, and I need to compare the property nome of him. I’ll change the question now.

  • 1

    You tested? buscaPessoaPorNome(nome) {return this.pessoas.find(e=>e===nome);}

  • I just tested it the right way and got it! I forgot to put the return. Thank you!

  • I don’t know close the question yet. I’m trying to figure out.

  • You can remove it or answer it like any user or leave it open for someone to answer it.

  • You answer, @Augustovasques!! If you have time for that, of course. : D

  • @Luizfelipe who knows later.

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1 answer


I used the return of the method pessoas.find(e=>e.nome===nome) and I was able to get the result I wanted.

buscaPessoaPorNome(nome) {        
        return this.pessoas.find(e=>e.nome===nome);

const agenda = new Agenda({length: 10});

agenda.adicionarPessoa(new Pessoa('Bruno', '87 9 8161-5939'));

agenda.adicionarPessoa(new Pessoa('Luis', '87 9 1324-8962'));

console.log(buscaPessoaPorNome('Bruno')); //Pessoa { nome: 'Bruno', telefone: '87 9 8161-5939' }

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