clone array functions and objects


Viewed 47 times


Make a function to clone arrays. (Tip: clone = [ ...clone ])
Make a function to clone objects. (Tip: clone = { ...objeto })

let total = 3, array1 = [1,2,3]

const clonar = () => {
     if (total === 0){

  • What is your difficulty?

  • how to think logic, not being able to clone

  • 2

    The hint is no longer the answer to the question itself?

1 answer


The ideal would be to use the Operator spread (...):

    var array1 = [1,2,3]
    var clone = [...array1]

The function that clones could be like this:

    function clonaArray(array){
     var clone = [...array];
     return clone;


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