Scatter plot in ggplot2


Viewed 85 times


Talks guys I’m wanting to create a scatter chart in R using the ggplot2, a scatter plot with gene size (lengthbp) X variants (frameshift, splice_acceptor, splice_donor, stop_gained), the figure below shows the table used to produce the scatter chart:

Link to the Dataframe

Tabela de tamanho dos genes e variantes

The problem is that I’m not getting to take all these columns of variants highlighted in red in the chart above and use in the code below:

library ggplot2
    ggplot(gnomad_length, aes(frameshift, lengthbp))+

The figure below is the scatter chart of only one variant, see in eixo x should be all variants and not only frameshift:

Gráfico de dispersão length x variante

  • 1

    Marlon, good afternoon! Make the dataset available in your question to anyone who will try to help you to test. Hug!

  • 1

    follows the link released link to the dataframe

1 answer


To use different variables in ggplot, your data needs to be in long format. There are several options for this:

dados <- read.table(
  header = TRUE)

dados.l <- tidyr::pivot_longer(dados,
  cols = c("frameshift", "splice_acceptor", "splice_donor", "stop_gained"),
  names_to = "variante")
# ou
dados.l <- reshape2::melt(dados,
  measure.vars = c("frameshift", "splice_acceptor", "splice_donor", "stop_gained"), = "variante")
# ou, com mesma sintaxe: reshape::melt ou data.table::melt

Generating the graph:


# No mesmo plot, com cores diferentes para cada variante:
ggplot(dados.l, aes(value, lengthbp, color = variante)) +

# Um plot para cada variante no mesmo gráfico:
ggplot(dados.l, aes(value, lengthbp)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~ variante)
  • Thanks for the help, it worked with the diplyr.

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