I am using a timer that is working well, the only problem is that when it Zera it starts to count on the negative and I want it to stay stationary at zero, follows the code:
var target_date = new Date("november 27, 2020").getTime();
var dias, horas, minutos, segundos;
var regressiva = document.getElementById("regressiva");
setInterval(function () {
var current_date = new Date().getTime();
var segundos_f = (target_date - current_date) / 1000;
dias = parseInt(segundos_f / 86400);
segundos_f = segundos_f % 86400;
horas = parseInt(segundos_f / 3600);
segundos_f = segundos_f % 3600;
minutos = parseInt(segundos_f / 60);
segundos = parseInt(segundos_f % 60);
document.getElementById('dia').innerHTML = dias;
document.getElementById('hora').innerHTML = horas;
document.getElementById('minuto').innerHTML = minutos;
document.getElementById('segundo').innerHTML = segundos;
}, 1000);
How do I stop him at zero and not negatively?