How to make an Insert in the database from a many to many relationship in typeorm


Viewed 66 times


I am developing a professional register where each professional can speak one or more languages, however when saving professionals, languages are not saved

export class Idioma {
  id: number;
  lang: string;
  native: boolean;
export class Profissional {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  phone: string;
  celPhone: string;
  sexo: string;
  nasc: Date;
  fumante: boolean;
  ocupation: string;
  email: string;
    () => Idioma,
    idioma =>,
    {cascade: true}
  lang: Idioma[];
  password: string;
  @Column('decimal', { precision: 5 })
  latitude: number;
  @Column('decimal', { precision: 5 })
  longitude: number;
  @Column('decimal', { precision: 2 })
  workPrice: number;
async create(profissional: ProfissionalDto) {
    const errors = validate(profissional);
    profissional.password = bcrypt.hashSync(profissional.password, 12);
    const prof =;
    return prof;

1 answer


What is missing there is that in the entity Idiom, a declaration of relationships is necessary, as can be seen in documentation:

You can omit @Joincolumn in a @Manytoone / @Onetomany relation. @Onetomany cannot exist without @Manytoone. If you want to use @Onetomany, @Manytoone is required. However, the inverse is not required: If you only care about the @Manytoone Relationship, you can define it without having @Onetomany on the Related Entity. Where you set @Manytoone - its Related Entity will have "relation id" and Foreign key.

You can omit @Joincolumn in a @Manytoone/ @Onetomany relation. @Onetomany cannot exist without @Manytoone. If you want to use @Onetomany, @Manytoone is required. However, the reverse is not necessary: if you only care about the @Manytoone relationship, you can define it without having @Onetomany in the related entity. Where you define @Manytoone - your related entity will have "relation id" and foreign key.

I mean, you used @OneToMany() in the Professional entity, it is mandatory to declare @ManyToOne() in Language, as the Typeorm assembles all the logic in the database depending on this relationship, as can be seen above, if you want you can only declare @Manytoone() and omit @Onetomany() that you will have no problems:

export class Idioma {
  id: number;
  lang: string;
  native: boolean;
  @ManyToOne(() => Profissional, profissional => profissional.lang)
  profissional: Profissional;

export class Profissional {
  id: number;
  @OneToMany(() => Idioma, idioma =>, {
    cascade: true
  lang: Idioma[];

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