What is Broken Pipe Error?


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What does the Broken Pipe error mean? And also what would be a Pipe in computing?

This error has occurred to me several times and in various programming languages even when using some programs like ssh. But I have no idea what you mean.

1 answer


A pipe, if you use literal translation, it would be a "pipe" through which data, information, etc. That is, an isolated channel that protects this data, either from alteration, or so that it follows a stream.

A slightly broader concept would be pipeline, that is, a "pipeline" through which data travels. This concept is applied to areas other than computing, such as administration and sales.

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Some examples of where we can use the term:

  • The sales pipeline (flow from the customer choosing a product to the payment);
  • CI/CD pipeline (continuous integration), from when the developer sent a code, compilation, testing, approval, to live/production.

In general terms, it is a flow that information follows.

In the example of ssh, which is a command that creates an encrypted communication channel between two points, it creates a "pipe" safe for information to traffic, then a mistake of "Broken pipe" means that this communication channel has been broken, some network problem, either side has stopped respoder, has run out of time (timeout), etc..

If you get more into the concept of network, you must remember the famous Model OSI, a model that proposes a series of layers through which the information must travel. Each layer of the model through which the information passes would be a pipe, and all the way the information travels, for example the moment someone type "pt.stackover.com" in the browser, this information goes through several components of software/hardware, until you reach the page rendered to the browser, it would be a great pipeline.

  • When spoke Broken pipe I remembered that Pipes are also a form of IPC (communication between processes) of POSIX operating systems (used in those shell command sequences in which it is used | to separate one command from the other, for example ls | grep). In this context, a Broken pipe error could be a failure to communicate one process (program) to another. But why I searched this error is more related to network connection (sockets) same.

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