Chromedriver rebooting in all tests


Viewed 47 times


Following a tutorial, my stepDefinitions page looks like this:

@DataLoader(filePaths = "credenciaisv2.csv")

public class CadastrarOLTTest {
    private  WebDriver browser;

    public void setUp(){
        browser = Server.createBrowser();

    public void CadastrarOLTv2Test(@Param(name="ip") String ip,
                                   @Param(name="user") String user,
                                   @Param(name="password") String senha,
                                   @Param(name="enable") String enable){
        new Login(browser).digitaLogin("admin").insereCredenciaisV2(ip, user, senha, enable);

With the DataDrivenTestRunner.class I intend to execute the method insereCredenciaisV2 using the credentials present in the archive credenciaisv2.csv

It turns out he’s running the @Before every time the @Test with new parameters, and creating new instances of browser each test. How this can be bypassed?

  • what version of junit, 5? if not what you need to use is @beforeclass

  • the problem is that hence my setup() method will need to be static and causes disorders.

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