Phpmyadmin gives error when importing SQL file even after changes in PHP.ini


Viewed 354 times


I recently manually installed the PHP, Apache and the Mariadb in Ubuntu 20.04, everything apparently works normal, I can access and modify the databases both by the terminal and by the Workbench or Dbeaver.

My problem is with the Phpmyadmin to import SQL databases, even light files, I’ve made all the changes to php.ini, have already given 'sudo chmod 777' in all folders TMP that the PHP or the Phpmyadmin uses and still appears the error:

No import data received. Or did not submit a name file, or the file size exceeds the maximum size allowed by your PHP configuration. See FAQ 1.16.

I’ve already uninstalled PHP and its libraries.... I’ve already changed into apache2/php.ini and cli/php.ini

file_uploads = On
upload_tmp_dir =/var/tmp
post_max_size = 2048M
upload_max_filesize = 1024MB
max_execution_time = 3600
max_input_time = 500
memory_limit = 2048M
max_file_uploads = 30
post_max_size = 2048M

I don’t know what else to do, I suspect aidna is in PHP, when I deactivate the services and I switch to LAMPP XAMPP works perfect.

  • you are using shaman?

  • In Xampp works well, the problem is being in PHP itself, I made a page to test upload keeps showing the message: "The file sent exceeds the limit set in the upload_max_filesize directive of php.ini." I’ve already changed in apache2/php.ini and cli/php.ini

  • I have also changed the permissions for /var/tmp, but the UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE error continues....

  • The problem is being only in PHP, I made a basic upload file for test, when I use Lampp(Xampp) works well, when I change pro apache2 normal 'upload_max_filesize' and it is with 1024MB

1 answer


Almost outbreak without finding what did not let do the Uploads, I made several changes in apache2/php.ini and cli/php.ini and nothing, I came to create a symbolic link of cli/php.ini for apache2/php.ini to keep changing in just one file.

But after changing of:

upload_max_filesize = 1024MB


upload_max_filesize = 1048576

solved!!! :)

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