Folder Reset does not appear the folders of my code (Visual Studio)


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All these folders are inside my visual studio, I’m trying to move to github but at the time I access "Source > Repos" they don’t exist there

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

what I can do to solve?

  • you’ll have to copy in and commit to the repository... but you know your projects don’t have to be there to sync to git, right? It’s no use just copying Sln...

  • Yes I understand, but the folders do not appear in my REPOS, I can not even zip them for anything, as I can copy the folders?

  • What do you mean? you’ve already committed in git? you’ve set up Repo for the directory, checked out and downloaded nothing?

  • Ps.: You committed all the files in the directory or just the . sln?

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