Error creating and downloading XLS with Cakephp


Viewed 92 times


I have the following code:

    $this->autoRender = false;
    $this->autoLayout = false;
    $turmaId = base64_decode($turmaId);
    $turma = $this->Turma->find('first',array(
    echo 'Alunos do ' . iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-16LE//IGNORE",$turma['Serie']['serie']) . ' - Turma ' . iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-16LE//IGNORE",$turma['Turma']['turma'])."\r\n";
    echo 'Nome'."\t".'Email'."\t".iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-16LE//IGNORE",'Aniversário')."\t".'Data Cadastro'."\r\n";
    $data = $this->Turma->query('SELECT
    CONCAT(Pessoa.primeiro_nome," ",Pessoa.ultimo_nome) AS Nome,,
    DATE_FORMAT(Aluno.created,"%d/%m/%Y") AS DataCadastro,      
    DATE_FORMAT(Pessoa.data_nascimento,"%d/%m/%Y") AS Aniversario       
    FROM alunos AS Aluno
    LEFT JOIN pessoas AS Pessoa
    ON Aluno.pessoa_id =
    WHERE Aluno.turma_id = '.$turmaId.'
    ORDER BY Nome');
    foreach($data as $data) {
        echo iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-16LE//IGNORE",$data[0]['Nome']);
        echo "\t".$data['Pessoa']['email'];            
        echo "\t".$data[0]['Aniversario'];
        echo "\t".$data[0]['DataCadastro'];
        echo "\r\n";

    $nomeArquivo = Inflector::slug('Alunos '.$turma['Serie']['serie'].' '.$turma['Turma']['turma']);

Local is working properly ie, create and download the XLS with the data I need. But when climbing to the server, it does not generate the file and the data is printed on the screen. Any solution?


I solved the problem using the Phpexcel Component, available at:

  • What is the error generated?

  • It doesn’t actually generate an error. What happened is that the data was being printed on the screen instead of being written to the file.

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