Error when colorizing bar graph and caption with the pal.bands function


Viewed 56 times


I’m trying to reproduce the chart below:

However, I am not able to color my chart through the function pal.bands according to the information that is in the spreadsheet below:

The data is found in this link: Database

The colors in which I am representing in the table above are defined below by and can be seen in the Pals package:

I need each color to be associated with the information that is in the above sheet, and each of the colors with their respective acronyms inside the chart, for example:

The acronyms are:

Control 0.00 Violet
Control 0.01 Violet
Control 0.02 Violet
Control 0.30 Green

Violet = Vi
Violet + Blue = Vi / Bl
Blue + Green = Bl / Gr
Green = Gr
Violet + Blue + Green = Vi / Bl / Gr

Below are the codes in R, however, I am not able to color through the function pal.bands nor insert the internal caption to the graphic:



dados = read.table("datagraph.csv", header=T, dec=",",sep=";")
x <- xtabs(~Concentration + Group, data = dados)
        beside = FALSE,
        xlab = "Concentrations dose",
        ylab = "Concentrations mol",
        col = "pal.bands(cubicyf)")
legend("Vi", "Vi/Bl","Vi/Bl/Gr","Gr/Bl","Gr")

Error in rect(y1, x1, y2, x2, ...) : 
  invalid color name 'pal.bands(cubicyf)'
> legend("Vi", "Vi/Bl","Vi/Bl/Gr","Gr/Bl","Gr")
Error in match.arg(x, c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left",  : 
  'arg' should be one of “bottomright”, “bottom”, “bottomleft”, “left”, “topleft”, “top”, “topright”, “right”, “center”

1 answer


First, load the necessary packages and read the data but this time I will read with read.csv2, since it already has the values of header = TRUE, dec = "," and sep = ";".


dados <- read.csv2("datagraph.csv")
dados$Group <- factor(dados$Group)
dados$Colors <- factor(dados$Colors)

Now see how the colors are sorted.

#[1] "Blue"              "Blue+Green"        "Green"            
#[4] "Violet"            "Violet+Blue"       "Violet+Blue+Green"

This is not the required order, it is intended to have the violets first and the greens at the end. The correct order will be:

levels(dados$Colors)[c(4:6, 1:3)]
#[1] "Violet"            "Violet+Blue"       "Violet+Blue+Green"
#[4] "Blue"              "Blue+Green"        "Green"       

Just redo the factor.

dados$Colors <- factor(dados$Colors, 
                       levels = levels(dados$Colors)[c(4:6, 1:3)])

Now instead of xtabs, I will create a data.frame of aggregated concentration values by group and color.

agg <- aggregate(Concentration ~ Group + Colors, data = dados, sum)

And finally the chart.

n <- length(levels(agg$Colors))
clrs <- cubicyf(n)

barplot(Concentration ~ Colors + Group,
        data = agg,
        beside = FALSE,
        xlab = "Concentrations dose",
        ylab = expression(MgCl[2] ~ "[mol]"),
        col = clrs)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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