Stop the loop or not


Viewed 56 times


Good morning,

I’m having difficulty putting a condition in this loop: if tighten 1 loop for loop if tighten 2 out of loop


while resp==1:
    cliente_nome.append((input("Digite o nome do Cliente: ")))
    cliente_cpf.append(input("Digite o Cpf: "))
    cliente_idade.append(input("digite a idade: "))
    cliente_depositar.append(input("Quanto desejar depositar: "))
    resp=input("deseja continuar 1-para sim  2-para não")
    if resp==2:

2 answers


The type of Resp is string and you test if it equals a int. It’ll never work that way.

Two different ways to solve the problem:

First solution

In row 8, change the attribute of Resp for int

resp=int(input("deseja continuar 1-para sim  2-para não"))

Second solution

Change the type of Resp for string in all its references:


while resp=="1":
    cliente_nome.append((input("Digite o nome do Cliente: ")))
    cliente_cpf.append(input("Digite o Cpf: "))
    cliente_idade.append(input("digite a idade: "))
    cliente_depositar.append(input("Quanto desejar depositar: "))
    resp=input("deseja continuar 1-para sim  2-para não")
    if resp=="2":

In this particular case, the test at the end is unnecessary because the while is already testing whether Resp == 1 each cycle. Unless you wanted to force the person to write 1 or 2. Because with the code as it is, for any value of Resp other than 1, the program will end. Try typing 3 or 4.


Just put while resp != 2 and so spare him the if else. When you read the value of the console as an integer try to put it like this resp = int(input("..."))

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