.map() is not a Function


Viewed 505 times


I am developing an application in React.js and have to perform a JSON request. The variable I declared receives the object, but when it arrives at the function .map() to expose the desired content it issues the error.

index js.

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import api from './api.js';
import { List,  Ranking, Revenues, Tickets} from '../styles/style.js';
import { Col, Row  } from 'react-grid-system';

class Listagem extends Component{
  state = {
      resultados: [],


    async componentDidMount() {
      const response = await api.get('');
      this.setState({ resultados: response.data });
  render() {

    const {resultados} = this.state;
        <Col md={4}>
          <p className="revenues_title"> Ranking </p>
          <h3> Revenues </h3>
            <Col md={6}>
            <p><b>{resultados.map((resultado) => (
            <li> {resultado.revenues_ranking.store_name}
            <Col md={6}>
            <p> {resultados.map((resultado) => (
            <li> r$ {resultado.revenues_ranking.total}

        <Col md={4}>
          <p className="tickets_title"> Ranking </p>
          <h3> Tickets </h3>
            <Col md={6}>
            <p>{resultados.map((resultado) => (
            <li> {resultado.tickets_ranking.store_name}
            </li>  ))}</p>
            <Col md={6}>
            <p> {resultados.map((resultado) => (
            <li> {resultado.tickets_ranking.total}
            </li>  ))}</p>



export default Listagem;


    import axios from 'axios';

const api = axios.create({
  baseURL: 'https://run.mocky.io/v3/fbb7ec01-1dab-4f90-9130-683f475d7d67',


export default api;


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  • Could you add in your question the error message? It will get better to understand your problem and so we can help.

  • resultados is an object. To iterate with .map you have to do something like resultados.transactions.map, choosing which array you want to map.

1 answer


The function .map() does not work with objects, only with arrays. When it is an object, the way to use the .map() would be so:

Object.keys(data).map(item => {...});

Where data is the variable containing the object.

"The Object.Keys() method returns an array of enumerable properties of a given object, in the same order it is provided by a for...in loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties that are in the prototype string)."


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