Do texts loaded via Jquery harm SEO?


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I’m developing a website, but for technical reasons I won’t be able to use a database and no server side language. As the system will have MANY posts (more than 500), I am loading this via Jquery, it takes the texts of each recipe by loading . txt, according to the URL. That is, it works like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
      url : "helloworld.txt",
      dataType: "text",
      success : function (data) {

On the screen where all the posts are, it shows all the posts by looping through all the . txts that are in a folder. When you click on one to see the details, Jquery sees which URL is clicked and loads the . txt for this post. So far, no secrets.

My question is regarding SEO, will Google be able to index each post? Because in theory the texts will be loaded after the HTML has already loaded. Or this function were also?

  • 1

    The Crawler, in addition to "scanner" the page, it also "clicks" on all links, even those that are hidden (black hat). So in theory it will click on everything and index all the accessed content.

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