Audio Expo does not pause the music


Viewed 14 times


The sound plays normally, but the pause doesn’t work. I tried several algorithms and nothing worked. I think it’s something with the Promisses, because I don’t know much about asynchrony. But when I put only the pause function on another button, it works normally. Anything I add that’s not exactly that, it doesn’t work...

const SoundManagement: React.FC = () => {
  const [isPlay, setIsPlay] = useState(false);
  const currentSound = new Audio.Sound();
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  async function loadSound() {
    try {
      await currentSound.loadAsync(require('../../../sounds/cogulandia.mp3'));
    } catch(err) {
      console.log(`Erro ao carregar a música \n ${err}`);

  async function playSound() {
    try {
      await currentSound.playAsync();
    } catch(err) {
      console.log(`Erro ao iniciar a música \n ${err}`);

  async function pauseSound() {
    try {
      await currentSound.pauseAsync();
    } catch(err) {
      console.log(`Erro ao pausar a música \n ${err}`);

      <Button onPress={ isPlay ? () => pauseSound() : () => playSound()}>
          ? <FontAwesome5 name='pause' size={20} color={theme.ruby} />
          : <FontAwesome5 name='play' size={20} color={theme.lighter} />
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