I have the following appointment:
FROM "metas"
JOIN "Negócios" ON "Negócios"."Perfil" = "metas"."Perfil"
AND "Negócios"."Segmento" = "metas"."Segmento"
JOIN "cliente potencial" ON "cliente potencial"."idNegocio" = "Negócios"."Id"
WHERE "metas"."Mês referência" = 'Novembro 2020'
AND MONTH("cliente potencial"."data") = 11
She brings me the following return:
segmento perfil meta nome
seg.a x 20 joao
seg.a x 20 pedro
seg.a x 20 roberto
seg.b y 30 felipe
seg.b y 30 marcela
How do I make a count
to return instead of the name to amount of business? The expected return would be like this:
segmento perfil meta qtd
seg.a x 20 3
seg.b y 30 2
I tried to make a count
in name but only returns 1...
Thank you very much!
– Vitor Ceolin