Hello, I am working on a system that requires conversion of hours to decimal and is showing error conversion from HOUR (HH:mm) to decimal when total hours exceeds 23:59.
For better understanding if I try to convert to decimal the TIME '23:59' does not occur error, however if I try to convert '60:59' occurs the error 'The Conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.'
What would be the ideal way for a total of hours:minutes greater than or equal to 24:00 to be converted correctly to decimal?
DECLARE @HorasAtendidas VARCHAR(5) = '23:59', --Se mudar para 60:59 ocorre o erro citado.
@CargaHoraria DECIMAL(18, 2)
SET @CargaHoraria = (
RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, SUM(CONVERT(INT, LEFT(@HorasAtendidas, 2))) + (((SUM(CONVERT (INT, RIGHT (@HorasAtendidas, 2)))) - (SUM(CONVERT(INT, RIGHT(@HorasAtendidas, 2))) % 60)) / 60)), 2) + ':' +
RIGHT('0' + CONVERT(VARCHAR, SUM(CONVERT(INT, RIGHT(@HorasAtendidas, 2))) % 60), 2)
) / 3600000.000000, 4))
select @CargaHoraria
Thanks in advance.
I need to convert a total of hours to decimal and that total can exceed 24:00.
– Richard J. Algarve
Imagine the scenario, I consult 60 hours and 30 minutes for my client (60:30). In the databank the workload should be stored in decimal.
– Richard J. Algarve