Take 3 values


Viewed 49 times


I have a Combobox, which run the following search:

public DataTable Localizar(String valor)
    DataTable tabela = new DataTable();
    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select sc.scat_loja as Loja,  sc.scat_cod as Codigo , sc.scat_nome as Descricao, c.cat_loja as LojaCategoria, sc.cat_cod as CodigoCategoria, c.cat_nome as NomeCategoria "+
        "from subcategoria sc inner join categoria c on sc.cat_cod = c.cat_cod where scat_nome like '%" +
        valor + "%'", conexao.StringConexao);
    return tabela;

no on load form and so on:

private void frmCadastroSubCategoria_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DALConexao cx = new DALConexao(DadosDaConexao.StringDeConexao);
    BLLCategoria bll = new BLLCategoria(cx);
    cbCatCod.DataSource = bll.Localizar("");
    cbCatCod.DisplayMember = "Descricao";
    cbCatCod.ValueMember = "Codigo";
   // cbCatCod.SelectedValue = "LojaCategoria";
    lblojaCat.Text = "";// ((ComboBox)sender).SelectedValue.ToString();
    cbCatCod.Text = "";

where this Lojacategoria would like to bring a value that was registered to category, example code 1, description, store that was registered


Guys, I’ll try to pass more details, Datetable, will search the categories, company she was registered (store), code (AUTO_INCREMENT) and category description.

In the load of the form I carry this information, that of the locate, in it I bring the following currently :

 cbCatCod.DisplayMember = "Descricao";
 cbCatCod.ValueMember = "Codigo";

brings beauty, it takes the category description and code.

but I need that in addition to this information, he bring the company that was registered (store)

cbCatCod.DisplayMember = "Descricao";
cbCatCod.ValueMember = "Codigo";
cbCatCod.ValueMember = "Loja";//aqui o codigo da empresa/loja que foi cadastrado na tabela categoria

This way it brings only the name "Store" instead of the field company/store for example 2, 3.....

as soon as changing the Selectedvaluechanged I need that field store on a label.

I think it’s become clearer now

just remembering guys, I’m starting now at c#, and watered down an idea of how to do this.

thank you all.

  • Your question is without a specific focus: your Combobox does not load? does not bring the information? your method Locate is harmful, uses a heavy structure, is a tip up performance...

  • Hello, yes loads, but only loads the code of the register that I will link example, code =1, description = category. In addition to these two fields code and description, I need the company code in which it was registered. I tried to put valueMember but it does not bring the store code. Just remembering I’m beginner, so the questions rss worth

  • cbCatCod.SelectedItem must return a Datarowview (remember to do the Typecast) so you get all the data related to your selection https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7420043/how-to-get-selected-datarow-from-combobox

  • thanks man, thank you

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