I need to get list values via attribut


Viewed 16 times


I’m trying to take values from a line and pass to the key in the normal array created for inserted values I can pick up but then I went through keys of the database and data of the firebase of a root and the values I played inside another array I call filter but ai k the values pass to the list but I can’t get the values this way you can help me ?

/ Starting the filter

var filter = []; // Filter 1

       // var filter = new Array(); // Filter 2

        var allData = snap.child("/").val();        

        filter.push(allData); //  getting all values from the root 'CPSHOW'

/* filter.map((va) => { // Traversing filter data

}) */ // Line of filter Looping -----

filter.foreach(element => {

 // Settup choice filter values or keys
//  var k = Object.keys(va); // Get the keys only
//  var v = Object.values(va); //
//  Passing keys to filter 2
//  var filterKeys = [v];
//  filterKeys.push(k); // Arrays


/* ----- Designing the Listview and Binding ----- */

var designListview = document.getElementById("layout-list");

designListview.innerHTML += 


onclick = "s()"> +element.Title+

<img src = "+element.Image+"
key = "+element.Image+" href = "#" class = "image" id = "image" width = "100px"; height = "100px"; style = "box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px; Boder: 3px;" />

`+element. Price +` `;
                 /* ----------------------------- */

/* ----- On Binding Listview ----- */

// =>

/* ---Binding Listview--- */

var onClickingList = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for(var x = 0; x < onClickingList.length; x++) {

onClickingList[x].addEventListener('click', function(key){

// key = this.getattribute('key'); key = Document.getElementById("key"); filter[key];


return false;

upDateList = (key) => {
    // console.log(items);

// console.log(element);

}); // Foreach Looping...

}); // Line of database -----

} // Line of database -----

onChildAdded(); // Initialising to get database data values and Keys...

// Testing to get value s = (g) => { var valueOf = getelementsbytagname('price'); for(var l = 0; l < valueOf.length; l++) g = this.getattribute('price'); filter[l]. Price++; console.log(valueOf) ;

} // Testing

                            // *****-----End of line-----****** //

// Comments Bellow.....

    // Create filter or array  "Study"

/*   var filter = [];
    var allData = snap.child("/").val();
    filter.push(allData); // All data with keys

    filter.map((va) => { // Percorrendo os dados do filtro

        // Settup choice filter 
        var v = Object.keys(va); // Get the keys only

        // Passing keys to filter
        var filterKeys = [];

        filterKeys.push(v); // Arrays
        // console.log(va);
    })  */

    /* const img = document.createElement('img');
            img.src  = image;
            img.width = 100;
            img.height = 100;
            img.marging = 15;

-------- Abixus work ------

the top no ---------

items.map((va) => {
    document.getElementById('div-1').innerHTML += `<div  style = " background-color: #212121; cursor: pointer; 
     text-align: center;
     box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px;"> 


     <div style = " background-color: #309847;
     width: 150px;
     height: 50px;  box-shadow:  5px 5px 5px; border: 3px; text-align: center; color: #ffffff; font-size: 30px; "    
     >     <p>     `+va.name+`           </p>          </div>

    <img src = "`+va.photo+`"     key = "`+va.quantity+`" href = "#" class = "img"
    width = "100px"; height = "100px";  style = "  box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px; boder: 3px;"  />

     <p    style =  "left: 100px; 
     top: 0px; 
     color: #ffffff; font-size: 25px;">   <strong>  `+va.quantity+`  </strong></p>

/* ---Binding Listview--- */

upDateList = () => { console.log(items);


var onBindingListview = Document.getelementsbytagname("img"); for(var x = 0; x < onBindingListview.length; x++) {

onBindingListview[x]. addeventlistener('click', Function(){

Let key = this.getattribute('key'); items[key]. Quantity++;


Return false; });


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