I’m doing a chat in Phyton that has the Guis implemented with Tkinter, according to the errors I had and by what I researched about the Text module of Tkinter (module where the messages will be displayed), I need immediate responses to the integration of my system with Python sockets. Therefore, this while True loop of the.py client and server.py would be unviable. There is another way to do this integration without needing the client/server side of the socket or without needing this loop?
# Tkinter imports
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
import tkinter.scrolledtext as scrolledtext
from Server import *
from Cliente import *
# Funçoes imports
import random
from datetime import datetime, time
# Outros arquivos imports
from BD_chatMessages import *
# Variáveis globais
tam = "600x400"
camIco = "Icones\chat.ico"
# Classe da Janela de chat
class chatWindow():
# Função construtora da classe
def __init__(self, nome):
self.chatJanela = 0
self.textbox = 0
self.msgbox = 0
self.botaoenviar = 0
self.botaoatt = 0
self.filename = ""
self.bFrame = 0
self.data_e_hora_em_texto = 0
self.nome = nome
self.cor = "black"
self.clipPng = "Icones\clippng.png"
self.tamFrase = 0
# Função MAIN da tela de chat => Gerencia tudo o que pode acontecer
def chatTela(self):
# Chamada de funções de formatação
# Envia a entrada do usuário para o banco de dados
self.botaoenviar = Button(self.bFrame, text="Enviar mensagem", command=self.envia_msgs)
self.botaoenviar.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=10, pady=10)
self.botaoatt = Button(self.bFrame, text="Atualizar\nmensagens", command=self.atualiza_textbox)
self.botaoatt.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10)
#Indica que a tela atual sempre estará em loop (comando obrigatório do Tkinter para a tela funcionar)
#---------------------------GERENCIAMENTO DO CHAT------------------------------#
# Método responsável por enviar a mensagem digitada diretamente para o BD
def envia_msgs(self):
msg = self.msgbox.get("1.0", "end")
# Se houver algo escrito, manda pro BD
if len(msg) > 1:
# Calcula o timestamp e apaga a caixa de texto onde o user escreveu
# Envia pro BD
inserir_msg(self.data_e_hora_em_texto, self.nome, msg)
chamar_cliente(self.nome, msg)
# Função responsavel por atualizar o bate papo com as msgs do BD
def atualiza_textbox(self):
aux = seleciona_imprime(0)
# Formata e insere linha por linha do banco de dados no textbox
for x in aux:
self.textbox.insert(INSERT, x[0])
self.textbox.insert(INSERT, " - ")
self.textbox.insert(INSERT, x[1])
self.textbox.insert(INSERT, ": ")
self.textbox.insert(INSERT, x[2])
# Função necessária para não permitir que o textbox seja editado
self.textbox.bind("<Key>", lambda e: "break")
# Busca o nome do usuário no textbox, marca-o com uma tag e colore seu nome
def pesquisa_usuario(self):
# Remove a tag 'found' do index 1 até o final (END)
self.textbox.tag_remove('found', '1.0', END)
# Se o usuário existir, vamos colorir seu nome
if self.nome:
# Index do começo da string no ScrooledText é sempre 1.0
idx = '1.0'
while 1:
#Encontra a string desejada a partir do index 1
idx = self.textbox.search(self.nome, idx, nocase=1, stopindex=END)
# Se não encontra a String, sai do loop
if not idx:
# Ultima soma de posição da posição atual e do tamanho do texto
lastidx = '%s+%dc' % (idx, len(self.nome))
# Marca a palavra encontrada com uma tag 'found'
self.textbox.tag_add('found', idx, lastidx)
idx = lastidx
# Marca a string encontrada com uma cor
self.textbox.tag_config('found', foreground=self.cor)
#---------------------------MÉTODOS AUXILIARES------------------------------#
# Escolhe radomicamente uma cor da lista para ser a cor daquele user
def random_colors(self, x):
cores = ["yellow","blue", "navy blue", "gold", "orange", "brown", "pink", "purple", "green", "red", "violet"]
if x==0:
self.cor = random.choice(cores)
return random.choice(cores)
# Calcula o timestamp da msg e retorna já formatado
def datamsg(self):
data_e_hora_atuais = datetime.now()
self.data_e_hora_em_texto = data_e_hora_atuais.strftime(
"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
# Apaga a caixa de bate-papo (onde as mensagens são exibidas)
def apaga_chatbox(self):
self.textbox.delete(1.0, END)
# Apaga a caixa de mensagem
def apaga_msgbox(self):
self.msgbox.delete(1.0, END)
#---------------------------DESIGN & FORMATAÇÃO DA JANELA------------------------------#
# Função responsável por formatar a janela da aplicação
def formata_janela(self):
# Definiçoes iniciais
self.chatJanela = Tk()
# Define a cor do usuário
# Tela onde aparecem as mensagens enviadas => atualiza a medida que são enviadas novas mensagens
self.textbox = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(self.chatJanela, height=15, width=80)
self.textbox.pack(padx=20, pady=20)
self.textbox.insert(1.0, "Bem Vindo ao Chattttô @" + self.nome + "!!!\n")
# Esse frame é uma especie de "caixa" que posiciona elementos dentro dele com o .grid
self.bFrame = Frame(self.chatJanela)
# Entrada de texto do usuário
self.msgbox = Text(self.bFrame, height=3, width=40)
self.msgbox.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=20, pady=20)
c = chatWindow("Julho")
import socket
import select
import errno, sys
IP = ""
PORT = 1234
my_username = input("Username: ")
# Create a socket
# socket.AF_INET - address family, IPv4, some otehr possible are AF_INET6, AF_BLUETOOTH, AF_UNIX
# socket.SOCK_STREAM - TCP, conection-based, socket.SOCK_DGRAM - UDP, connectionless, datagrams, socket.SOCK_RAW - raw IP packets
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Connect to a given ip and port
client_socket.connect((IP, PORT))
# Set connection to non-blocking state, so .recv() call won;t block, just return some exception we'll handle
# Prepare username and header and send them
# We need to encode username to bytes, then count number of bytes and prepare header of fixed size, that we encode to bytes as well
username = my_username.encode('utf-8')
username_header = f"{len(username):<{HEADER_LENGTH}}".encode('utf-8')
client_socket.send(username_header + username)
while True:
# Wait for user to input a message
message = input(f'{my_username} > ')
# If message is not empty - send it
if message:
# Encode message to bytes, prepare header and convert to bytes, like for username above, then send
message = message.encode('utf-8')
message_header = f"{len(message):<{HEADER_LENGTH}}".encode('utf-8')
client_socket.send(message_header + message)
# Now we want to loop over received messages (there might be more than one) and print them
while True:
# Receive our "header" containing username length, it's size is defined and constant
username_header = client_socket.recv(HEADER_LENGTH)
# If we received no data, server gracefully closed a connection, for example using socket.close() or socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
if not len(username_header):
print('Connection closed by the server')
# Convert header to int value
username_length = int(username_header.decode('utf-8').strip())
# Receive and decode username
username = client_socket.recv(username_length).decode('utf-8')
# Now do the same for message (as we received username, we received whole message, there's no need to check if it has any length)
message_header = client_socket.recv(HEADER_LENGTH)
message_length = int(message_header.decode('utf-8').strip())
message = client_socket.recv(message_length).decode('utf-8')
# Print message
print(f'{username} > {message}')
except IOError as e:
# This is normal on non blocking connections - when there are no incoming data error is going to be raised
# Some operating systems will indicate that using AGAIN, and some using WOULDBLOCK error code
# We are going to check for both - if one of them - that's expected, means no incoming data, continue as normal
# If we got different error code - something happened
if e.errno != errno.EAGAIN and e.errno != errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
print('Reading error: {}'.format(str(e)))
# We just did not receive anything
except Exception as e:
# Any other exception - something happened, exit
print('Reading error: '.format(str(e)))
import socket
import select
IP = ""
PORT = 1234
# Create a socket
# socket.AF_INET - address family, IPv4, some otehr possible are AF_INET6, AF_BLUETOOTH, AF_UNIX
# socket.SOCK_STREAM - TCP, conection-based, socket.SOCK_DGRAM - UDP, connectionless, datagrams, socket.SOCK_RAW - raw IP packets
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# SO_ - socket option
# SOL_ - socket option level
# Sets REUSEADDR (as a socket option) to 1 on socket
server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
# Bind, so server informs operating system that it's going to use given IP and port
# For a server using means to listen on all available interfaces, useful to connect locally to and remotely to LAN interface IP
server_socket.bind((IP, PORT))
# This makes server listen to new connections
# List of sockets for select.select()
sockets_list = [server_socket]
# List of connected clients - socket as a key, user header and name as data
clients = {}
print(f'Listening for connections on {IP}:{PORT}...')
# Handles message receiving
def receive_message(client_socket):
# Receive our "header" containing message length, it's size is defined and constant
message_header = client_socket.recv(HEADER_LENGTH)
# If we received no data, client gracefully closed a connection, for example using socket.close() or socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
if not len(message_header):
return False
# Convert header to int value
message_length = int(message_header.decode('utf-8').strip())
# Return an object of message header and message data
return {'header': message_header, 'data': client_socket.recv(message_length)}
# If we are here, client closed connection violently, for example by pressing ctrl+c on his script
# or just lost his connection
# socket.close() also invokes socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) what sends information about closing the socket (shutdown read/write)
# and that's also a cause when we receive an empty message
return False
while True:
# Calls Unix select() system call or Windows select() WinSock call with three parameters:
# - rlist - sockets to be monitored for incoming data
# - wlist - sockets for data to be send to (checks if for example buffers are not full and socket is ready to send some data)
# - xlist - sockets to be monitored for exceptions (we want to monitor all sockets for errors, so we can use rlist)
# Returns lists:
# - reading - sockets we received some data on (that way we don't have to check sockets manually)
# - writing - sockets ready for data to be send thru them
# - errors - sockets with some exceptions
# This is a blocking call, code execution will "wait" here and "get" notified in case any action should be taken
read_sockets, _, exception_sockets = select.select(sockets_list, [], sockets_list)
# Iterate over notified sockets
for notified_socket in read_sockets:
# If notified socket is a server socket - new connection, accept it
if notified_socket == server_socket:
# Accept new connection
# That gives us new socket - client socket, connected to this given client only, it's unique for that client
# The other returned object is ip/port set
client_socket, client_address = server_socket.accept()
# Client should send his name right away, receive it
user = receive_message(client_socket)
# If False - client disconnected before he sent his name
if user is False:
# Add accepted socket to select.select() list
# Also save username and username header
clients[client_socket] = user
print('Accepted new connection from {}:{}, username: {}'.format(*client_address, user['data'].decode('utf-8')))
# Else existing socket is sending a message
# Receive message
message = receive_message(notified_socket)
# If False, client disconnected, cleanup
if message is False:
print('Closed connection from: {}'.format(clients[notified_socket]['data'].decode('utf-8')))
# Remove from list for socket.socket()
# Remove from our list of users
del clients[notified_socket]
# Get user by notified socket, so we will know who sent the message
user = clients[notified_socket]
print(f'Received message from {user["data"].decode("utf-8")}: {message["data"].decode("utf-8")}')
# Iterate over connected clients and broadcast message
for client_socket in clients:
# But don't sent it to sender
if client_socket != notified_socket:
# Send user and message (both with their headers)
# We are reusing here message header sent by sender, and saved username header send by user when he connected
client_socket.send(user['header'] + user['data'] + message['header'] + message['data'])
# It's not really necessary to have this, but will handle some socket exceptions just in case
for notified_socket in exception_sockets:
# Remove from list for socket.socket()
# Remove from our list of users
del clients[notified_socket]