Typeerror: 'Function' Object is not subscriptable, how to resolve? Pyside2 Qtableview


Viewed 146 times


I’m making the code to view my sqlite3 table in Qtableview, but when I put to view the table, at the time of running the code, this cited error arose, but I could not find how to solve it...

Follow the code to search in the created table:

def consulta_nutri():
bank = Bank()

c = bank.conn.cursor()
n = 'SELECT * FROM nutricionistas'


resultados = c.fetchall()

num_colunas = len(c.description)
nome_colunas = [i[0] for  i in c.description]

dados = (resultados, nome_colunas)

return dados

Follow the code to view the table in the frame:

        dados = b.consulta_nutri
        self.modelo = CustomTableModel(dados)

        self.tabela = QTableView(self.frm_relatorio)
        self.tabela.setGeometry(0, 0, 630, 600)

Follows the code:

from PySide2.QtCore import Qt, QAbstractTableModel, QModelIndex
from PySide2.QtGui import QColor

class CustomTableModel(QAbstractTableModel):
    def __init__(self, data=None):

        self.meus_dados = data[0]
        self.minhas_colunas = data[1]


    def load_data(self, dados):
        self.numero_linhas = len(dados)
        self.numero_colunas = len(dados[0])

    def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex):
        return self.numero_linhas

    def columnCount(self, parent=QModelIndex):
        return self.numero_colunas

    def HeaderData(self, section, orientation, role):
        if role != Qt.DisplayRole:
            return None
        if orientation == Qt.Horizontal:
            return self.minhas_colunas[section].upper()
            return section

    def data(self, index, role = Qt.DisplayRole):
        column = index.column()
        row = index.row()

        if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            return self.meus_dados[row][column]
        elif role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
            return Qt.AlignLeft
        elif role == Qt.BackgroundRole:
            return QColor(Qt.white)

        return None

1 answer


The problem was found, the query function was not within the database class.

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