When using server linking it is necessary to be aware to reduce traffic between servers. In the sql code you posted the OPENQUERY function is used and in this case I suggest you implement the filter in the sql code that is sent to the remote server:
-- código #1
SET campoA = B.campoB
'SELECT Id, campoX, campoA FROM [baseA].[schema].[tabelaA] where Id=xxxx') as A
INNER JOIN [baseB].[dbo].[tabelaB] as B ON A.Id = B.Id
WHERE B.Id = aaaa AND B.outrocampo = 'Block';
As above the remote server sends to the local server only the lines that meet the filter (WHERE clause), which reduces data traffic on the network.
There is the option to use 4 part identifier, where the sql code would be changed to
-- código #2
set campoA = B.campoB
from [LINKEDSERVER].[baseA].[schema].[tabelaA] as A
inner join [baseB].[dbo].[tabelaB] as B ON A.Id = B.Id
where A.Id = xxxx
and B.Id = aaaa
and B.outrocampo = 'Block';
In the article Programming and optimization of distributed queries you find the necessary care for when scheduling distributed consultations. Stay tuned for distribution statistics, as per the document "Distribution statistics requirements for OLE DB providers”.
Special attention in defining security in the linkage between instances.
Considering that there is no relationship between columns, and that a single row of table B is selected through filter in clause WHERE, then it can be simplified to:
-- código #3
declare @campoB xxx;
SELECT @campoB= B.campoB
from [baseB].[dbo].[tabelaB] as B
where B.Id = aaaa
and B.outrocampo = 'Block';
set campoA = @campoB
from [LINKEDSERVER].[baseA].[schema].[tabelaA] as A
where A.Id = xxxx;
Or else:
-- código #2 v2
set campoA = B.campoB
from [LINKEDSERVER].[baseA].[schema].[tabelaA] as A
cross join [baseB].[dbo].[tabelaB] as B
where A.Id = xxxx
and B.Id = aaaa
and B.outrocampo = 'Block';
If you don’t make a relationship, how will you know which record relates to what? Plus you haven’t explained what problem you’re trying to solve with this.
– Sorack
I am specifying the records through the WHERE conditions in both tables. My problem is that I have a value in table A and another in table B, which is on another server, and I need to set this value from table A to table B. It is an update of a field only.
– Fires