Error posting to Play Store (At the moment, the desired level of your app’s API is 28.)


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I’m getting the following error while trying to publish my App

At the moment, the desired level of your app’s API is 28. However, this level must be at least 29

How to change the API level to 29?

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1 answer


According to the google guide (with this link in first paragraph) you need to modify the property targetSdkVersion of your app:

Every APK has a targetSdkVersion in the manifest file, also known as the desired level of the API. This version informs how your app runs on different versions of Android.

To do this, the following steps:

  • Access the file build.gradle located in: NomeDeSeuProjeto/android/app/build.gradle.

  • Locate the following code block:

defaultConfig {
       // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID (
       applicationId "SeuAppId"
       minSdkVersion 16
       targetSdkVersion 28 // Modifique aqui o valor desejado para 29
       versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger()
       versionName flutterVersionName
  • Change the specified property to the value of 29. (Comment on the block above.)
  • Também é necessário verificar quaisquer restrições que possam existir na versão da Biblioteca de Suporte do Android que você está usando. Como sempre, é preciso garantir a compatibilidade entre.....e o compileSdkVersion do app. Should I change too compileSdkVersion?

  • For the error in question, you don’t need it. This part below in the guide is for migrating an old application to a newer version. This "Android Support Library" is a library that makes your application support older versions of Android. So it should be aligned with the Android version you’re using to compile your code, which is already true. That one reply explains well the difference between versions. I also edited the reply to include another link.

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