I’m having trouble concatenating the result of a string with a string.
velas[0] = '\033[0;32;42m g ' if velas[0]['open'] < velas[0]['close'] else '\033[0;31;41m r ' if velas[0]['open'] > velas[0]['close'] else '\033[0;37;47m d '
velas[1] = '\033[0;32;42m g ' if velas[1]['open'] < velas[1]['close'] else '\033[0;31;41m r ' if velas[1]['open'] > velas[1]['close'] else '\033[0;37;47m d '
velas[2] = '\033[0;32;42m g ' if velas[2]['open'] < velas[2]['close'] else '\033[0;31;41m r ' if velas[2]['open'] > velas[2]['close'] else '\033[0;37;47m d '
cores = velas[0] + ' ' + velas[1] + ' ' + velas[2]
When concateno with '+' it brings the line painted as the result of '\033[0;32;42m g '
, but does not separate with white space (brings everything stuck).
Concateno with ',' cores = velas[0],velas[1],velas[2]
he brings the string '\033[0;32;42m g '
I need the result of '\033[0;32;42m g '
be printed and separated by a blank space.
Someone can help, sorry, I don’t know if I made myself clear.
I tried the command as you suggested and not yet rolled, keep bringing everything together.
– MBrenzan
I can’t exactly reproduce the code of your question. Could you explain to me better how this section works:
if velas[0]['open'] < velas[0]['close'] else '\033[0;31;41m r ' if velas[0]['open'] > velas[0]['close'] else '\033[0;37;47m d '
– Fabio Pereira