good afternoon!
I am somewhat new in the area of programming and I am trying to develop a script, so that it enters a certain site, within a file . csv, choose an educational institution, confirm entry, enter the reporting part and download.
When I describe in the script the xpath path to access a selected IES, it works beautifully, my problem is that I can’t make it work from a list. csv with paths already mapped.
df_SelecionaIES = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\lucas.mazetti\Desktop\Lucas\python\1) Robo Acessar e Download\Login e senha\IES.csv', sep=';',encoding='Latin1', dtype={'cod':str})
def pesquisar(self):
driver = self.driver
selecionar = pyautogui.hotkey ('ctrl', 'f')
selecionando_ies = pyautogui.typewrite('781')
caixa_selecao = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="tabelaIes:8:j_id258"]/input').click()
pyautogui.hotkey ('enter')
I have a list in . csv with 157 institutions, for each IES that will be located, the xpath path changes, following a growing logical sequence.
My question is, how can I do so that this xpath path can be searched in a saved file