How to Store Data from this Code?


Viewed 64 times


/It is to take the data that are appearing there example when you click on the button appears the time and amount of clicks I want to take these two information and store anywhere that of to store sample localstorage or in file . txt -/


<button name="tempo" type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = 
 Clique </button>

<p id="demo"></p>
<button name="clique" class="btn btn-primary" type="button">
    Curtir <span class="badge"> 0 </span>

 var contador = document.querySelector('.badge');

 document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', function () {
 var numero = parseInt(contador.textContent) + 1;
 contador.textContent = numero;

  • what data? only has a variable there, if not explain well the difficulty there is no help

  • And to take the data that are appearing there example when you click on the button appears the time and amount of clicks I want to take these two information and store anywhere from to store sample localstorage or in file . txt

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1 answer


It would not be good to take the data of span that is inside the button, because the value that is to appear there is what is stored, so I took your html and modified it to store the amount of like and the date of the last like (you can type a history just start Let like an array and push it), soon after I update the data so it will count like and show the modified html data just below: NOTE: I stored the data in the localStorage.



<p id="demo"></p>
<button name="clique" class="btn btn-primary" id="like" type="button">
    Likes <span class="badge" id="likeQt"> 0 </span>
<p id="date" style="display: none;">Data e horário do último like: <span id="dateLike" ></span></p>


<script src=""></script>

// inicializando script depois que a pagina for carregada

Calling the function to update the span and date data when the page is loaded:

        // Atualizar span likesQt

Function to create/update data in localStorage:

        function dadosClick(){
                let likes= '';
                    // Pega os dados armazenados caso exista
                    // adicionando 1 mais o número atual de like e atualizando a data
                    // inserindo dados atualizados
                    // Atualizar span likesQt
                    // criando dados
                    // adicionando dados
                    // mostrar dados no console
                    // Atualizar span likesQt

                alert('Navegador não suporta localStorage.');

Function to update the span data inside the button:

        // Atualizar span likes
        function atualizarSpan(){
            // verificando se existe dados
            var likeQt=JSON.parse(localStorage.likes);
            // mostrar data
            // atualizando dados do span likeQt

When you click the button call the create/update function:

        // quando clicar no botão ele vai chamar a função dadosClick para adicionar o like


  • Thank you! but,as could do to store 1 in 1 for example is getting everything right there however I wanted it to take all seconds and clicks separately not that one recorded on top of the other understands?

  • just start Let Likes as an array, then push the variable so you have a history of Likes.

  • I tried to do it but I couldn’t show myself in the code I pushed in the variable but I lock in 1 like

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