Which country had the largest total population each year


Viewed 59 times


I created this table:

CREATE TABLE `Populacao` (
  `ano` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `pais` varchar(2) NOT NULL,
  `popM` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `popF` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,

Where popM is the male population and popF is the female population.

I’m trying to find out (query) which country had the largest total population in each year.

Nota 1: População total = popF + popM
Nota 2: popM e popF são campos 'varchar'
  • 2

    Which version of Mysql are you using? There is the possibility to change popM and popF columns to integer or some numeric type?

  • What values your system is sending to popM and popF columns ?

  • Mysql 5. No, I want to keep popM and popF varchar.

  • Send "83456765", for example. Numerical values, but in varchar.

1 answer


Make a subquery that manages the ratio of the largest populations for each year:

SELECT ano, max(cast(coalesce(popM, '0') AS unsigned)+cast(coalesce(popF, '0') AS unsigned)) AS maxpop
FROM Populacao

Possession of this relationship determine which parents(s) has that population that year:

SELECT Populacao.ano, Populacao.pais, x.maxpop FROM Populacao
INNER JOIN (SELECT ano, max(cast(coalesce(popM, '0') AS unsigned)+cast(coalesce(popF, '0') AS unsigned)) AS maxpop
            FROM Populacao
            GROUP BY ano) x
ON (Populacao.ano =x.ano AND (cast(coalesce(Populacao.popM, '0') AS unsigned)+cast(coalesce(Populacao.popF, '0') AS unsigned)) = x.maxpop);


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