I’m having errors with json [shellscript]


Viewed 26 times


I’m trying to learn how to make bots for Telegram, but this mistake keeps appearing false|400|Bad Request: can’t parse reply Keyboard Markup JSON Object caldeirão_furado.sh: erro: linha 24: Shellbot.editMessageReplyMarkup: 400: Bad Request: can’t parse reply Keyboard Markup JSON Object

I didn’t find anything spelled wrong, I know very little about json and I didn’t find anything in the documentation that shows me what I did wrong. #! /bin/bash #importing api source Shellbot.sh

Bot token


Booting the bot

Shellbot.init --token "$bot_token" -monitor menu='[{"product1"},{product2}]' keyboard="$(shellbot.Replykeyboardmarkup --button 'menu' -one_time_keyboard true)" while : of # Get the updates Shellbot.getupdates --limit 100 --offset $(Shellbot.Offsetnext) -timeout 30

# Lista as atualizações.
for id in $(ShellBot.ListUpdates)
# bloco de instruções
            ShellBot.sendMessage --chat_id ${message_chat_id[$id]} --text 'Bem Vindo! Ao caldeirão furado! a melhor loja magica da dimensão'
            ShellBot.editMessageReplyMarkup --chat_id ${message_chat_id[$id]} --message_id ${message_chat_id[$id]} --reply_markup '$teclado'

) &  # Criando thread


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