I cannot install Mysql, proble with MYSQL CONNECTOR NET 8.0.17


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I had mysql on my computer working perfectly a while ago on version 8.0.17, I did the uninstallation months ago and today I had to install again, the latest version is on 8.0.22, when I tried to install it asked me to update this MYSQL CONNECTOR NET i try and simply gives error, I went to the site tried to install this connector again in the latest version and also gives error in this error only says that the installation was interrupted prematurely.

Detail, this net Nector 8.0.17 is on my computer I can’t do anything with it neither uninstall nor update.

I don’t know where the problem is, probably when I uninstalled I erased something I couldn’t or whatever, if anyone can help me thank you.

  • Add more details, such as: The error returned, S.O and its version... but a previous tip, if you’re using Windows, try using the Chocolatey package manager to install these dependencies.

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