How do I call the path of a variable declared within a local branch within a global branch?


Viewed 11 times


I have a global branch (Brc_global), within which other branches are declared (Brc_global_i and Brc_global_ii). Respectively, within these branches, I declare variables for local use.

In my main template, I would like to be able to do Ask() of these variables.

I tried it in the following ways:


Which returns the following error:

ERROR: javax.ejb.Ejbexception: The operand identified by path "Brc_global->variable" cannot be created by being an invalid alias, or by no registered operand. Check if such an operand exists and was not declared after the execution of it (in Operations or loaders).



That returns the error:

ERROR: javax.ejb.Ejbtransactionrolledbackexception: Invalid alias: Brc_global->Brc_global_i->variable

How could I call this variable inside my main template to make Ask()?

To clarify, my Global branch would look like this:

*branch[BRC_Global] {
    name = "Branch Global"
    declarations {
    branch[BRC_Global_I] {
        declarations {
            +<variavel> : String
        operations {
            print <variavel>
    branch[BRC_Global_II] {
        declarations {
            +<outraVariavel> : String
        operations {
            print <outraVariavel>
    operations {
        if(<condicao1>) {
            use BRC_Global_I
        if(<condicao2>) {
            use BRC_Global_II
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