Problems with the lme function with nested variables (any(notIntX <- ! apply(X, 2, const))


Viewed 66 times


I’m trying to adjust a mixed effects model in which I have covariables that are nested (Varx5 | Varx6) and are considered fixed effects.

However, I am trying to adjust the data and the following message appears:



model <- lme(log(Resp)~log(VarX1)+log(VarX2)+(VarX3)+(VarX4)+VarX5|VarX6 ,random = ~1|VarCat, 
                 dados, method="REML")

Error in if (any(notIntX <- !apply(X, 2, const))) { : 
  valor ausente onde TRUE/FALSE necessário

  • Have you tested by clearing empty fields?

  • @lmonferrari there are no empty fields..

1 answer


You are not specifying categorical variables in the appropriate way. In nlme:lme they stay out of the formula, in the option random. In the lme4:lmer they go directly in the formula, but bounded by parentheses.

dados <- read.csv2("")

model <- nlme::lme(
  log(Resp) ~ log(VarX1) + log(VarX2) + VarX3 + VarX4,
  random = ~ VarCat | VarX5:VarX6,
  data = dados)

model <- lme4::lmer(
  log(Resp) ~ log(VarX1) + log(VarX2) + VarX3 + VarX4 + (VarCat | VarX5:VarX6),
  data = dados)

The operator : is an example, I’m assuming you want the conditional effect. For cross-purpose use /. Check the details for formula in aid of lmer for different specifications.

  • Thank you @Carlos Eduardo Lagosta, however, considering that Varx5 and Varx6 are nested and are of fixed effects, if I consider within the function Andom that it is for random effects would be correct anyway? that is to say random = ~ VarCat | VarX5/VarX6 ,so you say??

  • No, in this case, no. I assumed I wanted to because I converted to factor and used the "|" operator. This text might help you:

  • Thank you @Carlos Eduardo Lagosta. But I still can’t solve ..

  • If the code runs but the difficulty is with specifying the model, the Cross Validated is best suited to seek help.

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