Migration does not create table in database. Typeorm, postgresql


Viewed 582 times


Good evening, you guys. In this project I am using typeorm to configure my database. I create my Migration, but when I execute the command Yarn typeorm Migration:run, It doesn’t create the table I set. It creates in the database only the Migrations table, the other table 'Employee' it does not create.


Can someone help me?

export class employees1603488907171 implements MigrationInterface {

    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
        await queryRunner.createTable(new Table({
            name: 'employee',
            columns: [
                    name: 'id',
                    type: 'integer',
                    unsigned: true,
                    isPrimary: true,
                    isGenerated: true,
                    generationStrategy: 'increment',
                    type: 'text',
                    isNullable: false

    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
        await queryRunner.dropTable('employee')


  • Check that Migration is already in your Migrations table, run the down of that Migration and then run the up.

  • I decided to switch to sequelize, for what I researched, typeorm is more typescript oriented, and in this project that I am developing, I want to use only javascript.

1 answer


I saw that you have already changed typeORM for sequelize, but it follows a possible solution to this problem in case someone else comes to have.

Back in the archive ormconfig.json you need to specify the location of your Migrations and also for the typeORM cli, follow an example:

  "name": "default",
  "type": "postgres",
  "host": <<HOST>>,
  "port": <<PORT>>,
  "username": <<USERNAME>>,
  "password": <<PASSWORD>>,
  "database": <<DATABASE_NAME>>,
  "entities": [
  "migrations": [
  "cli": {
    "migrationsDir": "./src/database/migrations"

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