Error while running project React-Native run-Ios


Viewed 225 times


I have a project in Act-Native 0.62 The project is already in its final phase, including the android part is already working well, ready for release. Recently I got a Mac late 2009 borrowed, I upgraded it to 10.3.6, I downloaded the Xcode 10.X q is the last available for this macos. I cloned my repository, ran it npm install, then changed the directory to the Ios folder and pod install, went to the Ios folder and opened Workspace on Xcode. Then I gave a npm start in a terminal, and a npx react-native run-ios, however I got the following error:

error: Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/lucca/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mobile-cuwewmubuwewehcudzywswjgnxjj/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/'

build session not created after 15 seconds - still waiting
build session not created after 30 seconds - still waiting
build session not created after 45 seconds - will continue waiting until success


The following build commands failed:
    CopySwiftLibs /Users/lucca/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/mobile-cuwewmubuwewehcudzywswjgnxjj/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
(1 failure)

I appreciate anyone who can help. I am running on an iPhone X emulator in version 12.1 if I am not mistaken... I tried some solutions on the internet but I noticed a huge discrepancy between them, I don’t know what to try anymore... I’m new with development on the apple platform, so I’m getting a lot of

  • Try to open the filename euprojeto.xcworkspace on Xcode and run the project from Xcode.

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