I am using async-await in the SQL query function in the Model and I use the MVC standard. The problem is that when executing the function (select SQL) in the model it is executed but the return is: [Object Object] as if the result were undefined. The application shows no error but does not go back to the controller where I have another console.log to monitor the return. Below part of the code.
Routes.js file
const segurosRoutes = require('../controllers/segurosControllers.js');
module.exports = (app) => {
app.get('/estagio/movimentacoes/cadastroSeguros', segurosRoutes.segurosGetAll);
controllers.js file
const segurosController = require('../models/segurosModels.js');
module.exports = {
function segurosGetAll(req, res){
console.log("Entrando em Controllers Seguros: ")
segurosController.getAll(function (err, result){
if(err) {
console.log("Erro: " + err)
throw err;
console.log("Resultado "+result)
models.js file
const client = require('../../config/conexao.js');
const moment = require('moment');
module.exports = {
async function getAll() {
m_sql = 'select A.*, B.seg_razaosocial, B.seg_nomefantasia, C.alu_nome, D.usu_username from seguros A left join seguradora B on A.seg_codigo = B.seg_codigo left join usuarios D on A.usu_codigo = D.usu_codigo left join alunos C on A.alu_codigo = C.alu_codigo ';
console.log("SQL em Seguros...."+m_sql)
let retorno
const retorno = await client.query(m_sql)
console.log("Retornando da SQL: "+retorno)
} catch(erro) {
retorno = erro
return retorno
In the terminal:
Express executando na porta. 3000
Entrando em Controllers Seguros:
SQL em Seguros....select A.*, B.seg_razaosocial, B.seg_nomefantasia, C.alu_nome, D.usu_username from seguros A left join seguradora B on A.seg_codigo = B.seg_codigo left join usuarios D on A.usu_codigo = D.usu_codigo left join alunos C on A.alu_codigo = C.alu_codigo
Returning from SQL: [Object Object]
Do not create duplicate questions from one that has already been closed (MVC Javascript+async await). Prefer to improve the original question than open another.
– Luiz Felipe