Can I have multiple thead and tbody inside a single table in HTML5?


Viewed 181 times


I wanted to make a table of this, but I can only have a table tag and I wanted to know if it is semantically right to put several thead and tbody within a single table. Foto da tabela descrita

  • How do you know you have tbody and thead in this example image if you have code? i don’t really know the correct semantics, but, I think (achismo) that can only have one for each <table>

  • although it has table layout and semantically it is correct to use a table tag here, it does not limit you, you can do this with div for example

2 answers


Syntactically it is likely that anything is possible, but semantically zero or one is allowed thead and zero or several tbody.

console.log(document.querySelectorAll("table tbody").length)
table {
  border-collapse: collapse;

table, th, td {
  border: 1px solid black;
  padding: 5px 10px;
    <th>Coluna 1</th>
    <th>Coluna 2</th>
    <td>Valor 1</td>
    <td>Valor 2</td>
    <td>Valor 3</td>
    <td>Valor 4</td>
    <td>Valor A</td>
    <td>Valor B</td>
    <td>Valor C</td>
    <td>Valor D</td>

Citing the MDN (source)

Permitted content (in this order)

  • an element <caption> optional ,
  • zero or more elements <colgroup>,
  • an element <thead> optional,
  • any of the following:
    • zero or more elements <tbody>
    • one or more elements <tr>
  • an element <tfoot> optional
  • The worst I haven’t seen any example showing this!

  • @Novic saw no example where?

  • tbody: several on a table, I am looking also I did not find any that demonstrates this, in that is your answer I saw even, but, I saw nothing exemplifying.


Short answer, yes can, even you can have an entire table inside the other, which is called Nesting Tables and the code would be like this

  <table border="1" style="text-align: center; width: 300px">
        <th colspan="2">thead</th>
        <th scope="row">row</th>
        <td>item row</td>
        <td colspan="2">

          <table border="1" style="width: 100%">
                <th scope="col">col</th>
                <td>item col</td>

        <th colspan="2">tfoot</th>

Most table elements are optional, minus the <tbody>, even in Chrome you can do a simple test, create a table and do not use the <tbody> and when inspecting the table you will see that the Browser itself will put the tag for you :)

In short you must have at least 1 tbody, or as many as you like. Even the W3C’s own official HTML validator does not error when using multiple tbody

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

About table week Mozilla has a unique documentation for this

Including vc will see that it uses some specific attributes of the table elements to give semantics to the code as scope, rowgroup, colgroup and id + header together as in the example below

    <th id="purchase">Purchase</th>
    <th id="location">Location</th>
    <th id="date">Date</th>
    <th id="evaluation">Evaluation</th>
    <th id="cost">Cost (€)</th>
  <th id="haircut">Haircut</th>
  <td headers="location haircut">Hairdresser</td>
  <td headers="date haircut">12/09</td>
  <td headers="evaluation haircut">Great idea</td>
  <td headers="cost haircut">30</td>


  • You can put 2 tbody in the same table? have seen examples?

  • components I’ve seen that you put in your answer, now I want to know what is in the question whether a table can have two or more tbody and why more than one? for example in the answer below visually changed nothing!

  • Yes indeed Ugo,

  • I need to make the table of the photo, if you see it you will notice that its header repeats over and over again, as I can repeat several of them if I can only use 0 or 1 thead?

  • @Lucasjava is as I said in the first part of my reply, you will have a table, within it several tbody, within each other table tbody with thead/body/footer... Or you use the structure with TH and if you want to give semantics thead is optional, it doesn’t even need to exist in the table!

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