jQuery is not defined joomla


Viewed 21 times


I have a code for the anime of my joomla site using jQuery, however I noticed by the inspector that a few days after the php version update, these animations stopped working and this error appeared. I have tried returning the old version but the error persists. This is one of the snippets of my code that has this problem. I wonder if you have any other way to declare this jQuery.

t.fn.spbalert = function (e)
    return this.each(function ()
        var n = t(this),
            s = n.data("sppb.alert");
        s || n.data("sppb.alert", s = new i(this)), "string" == typeof e && s[e].call(n)
}, t.fn.spbalert.Constructor = i, t.fn.spbalert.noConflict = function ()
    return t.fn.spbalert = n, this
}, t(document).on("click.sppb.alert.data-api", e, i.prototype.close)}(jQuery),
  • Ever tried to use the $ instead of jQuery?

  • Not yet. I’ll try. Thank you very much

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