I’m looking to replace the null values with the value of the year.
Given the following dataframe :
year value
2000 1
NaN 2
NaN 3
NaN 4
NaN 5
NaN 6
2001 1
NaN 2
NaN 3
NaN 4
NaN 5
NaN 6
2020 1
NaN 2
NaN 3
NaN 4
NaN 5
NaN 6
The zero values between the years, for example 2000 and 2001 I would like to replace by 2000 until arriving in 2001 and so on. It should look something like this :
year value
2000 1
2000 2
2000 3
2000 4
2000 5
2000 6
2001 1
2001 2
2001 3
2001 4
2001 5
2001 6
2020 1
2020 2
2020 3
2020 4
2020 5
2020 6
I tried to do so:
tam = df["year"].size
val = df.iloc[0,0]
for i in range(tam):
if df.iloc[i,0]==None:
val = df.iloc[i,0]
But the dataframe remains the same. It seems the if condition df.iloc[i,0]==None
doesn’t work.
In this sense how to check if an element of a column is null?
Perfect, I didn’t know that command. Thank you.
– Beto
Speak Beto, good morning! For nothing! Hug!!
– lmonferrari