I get 404 code at a PUT but GET works normally: {body: {...}, url: "api/modes/1", headers: Httpheaders, status: 404, statusText: "Not Found"}


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I am a student and beginner in Angular and at the moment I will continue to use PTO in a project, but before that I am preparing CRUD methods so I can work on them, so I am going through request problems and do not understand what I am doing wrong, when I do a GET using the Url api/modes or api/modes/1 the request is successful, but when trying to make a PUT using the address api/modes/1 and returned me a mistake 404:

{body: {...}, url: "api/modes/1", headers: Httpheaders, status: 404, statusText: "Not Found"}

I’m using:

  • Angular 9.1.8
  • Angular in-memory-web-api 0.11.0


import { HttpHeaders, HttpClient, HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";

import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';

import { throwError } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';

import { Mode } from "./mode.model";


export class ModeService {
  public modeUrl = "api/modes";

  public constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

  public getModes(): Observable<Mode[]> {

    return this.http.get<Mode[]>(this.modeUrl)

  public getMode(id: number): Observable<Mode> {
    let url = `${this.modeUrl}/${id}`;

    return this.http.get<Mode>(url)

  public updateMode(mode: Mode): Observable<Mode> {
    let url = `${this.modeUrl}/${mode.id}`;
    let body = JSON.stringify(mode);
    let headers = new HttpHeaders({'Content-type': 'application/json'});
    return this.http.put<Mode>(url, body, {headers: headers} )


  private handleErrors(error: HttpErrorResponse) {
    console.log("SALVANDO O ERRO NUM ARQUIVO DE LOG - DETALHES DO ERRO => ", error);
    return throwError(error);



import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute, Params } from '@angular/router';
import { Location } from '@angular/common';

// import "rxjs/add/operator/switchMap";
import { switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

import { Mode } from '../shared/mode.model';
import { ModeService } from '../shared/mode.service';

  selector: 'mode-detail',
  templateUrl: './mode-detail.component.html'

export class ModeDetailComponent implements OnInit {
  public mode: Mode;

  public constructor (
    private modeService: ModeService,
    private route: ActivatedRoute,
    private location: Location
  ) {}

  public ngOnInit() {
        (params: Params) => this.modeService.getMode(+params['id'])))
        mode => this.mode = mode,
        error => alert("Ocorreu um erro no servidor, tente mais tarde.")

  public updateMode() {
    if (!this.mode.name) {
      alert("O módulo deve ter um nome")
    } else {
          () => alert("Módulo atualizado com sucesso!"),
          () => alert("Ocorreu um erro no servidor, tente mais tarde.")

  public goBack() {


<h1 class="page-header font-weight-black text-secondary">Módulo {{ mode?.name }}</h1>
<div class="container-fluid bg-light shadow rounded ">

  <div class="form-row" *ngIf="mode">
    <div class="form-group col-lg-12">
      <label for="name" class="col-sm-2 control-label text-body">Nome</label>
      <div class="col-sm-12">
        <input [(ngModel)]="mode.name" type="text" class="form-control text-muted" placeholder="Nome">
    <div class="form-group col-lg-12">
      <div class="col-sm-12 text-right">
        <button class="btn btn-default text-secondary" (click)="goBack()">Voltar</button>
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-medium text-light" (click)="updateMode()">Salvar</button>



Error Console

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer



I uninstalled the package angular in memory api, this lib was used to intercept HTTP requests and simulate responses, but unfortunately using it in this project Angular 9 did not work in any way that I tried, unlike another project that I develop in Angular 4 which works perfectly on it.

After uninstalling the package above, I switched to the package json-server, it will do the same job in responding to HTTP requests, I found it a little simpler than the other but for my case to use in CRUD came to work very well!

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