Who implements the Spring Repository interfaces?


Viewed 75 times


We have the interface JpaRepository which we can use from your import with:

import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository;

From it we have the standard methods to use, such as the findAll(). We can also create new methods only by signing, for example findByPessoaName(String nome);

But who performs all the implementation of this interface JpaRepository and those other methods that I put only the signature and the Spring generates automatically? Is it Hibernate (assuming I’m using it) or Spring Data itself? I know that Spring Data JPA uses Hibernate as the implementation of the JPA specification by default, but Hibernate itself knows how to implement these standards methods?

1 answer


Are the Annotations of the Spring that do the magic.

When you wear the @Autowired, Spring locates your interface, creates 1 class and implements everything.

This is all done with Annotations and Reflection.

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