def convertFarenheit(n):
return (n * (9/5)) + 32
def convertCelsius(n):
return (n - 32) * (5/9)
def graus(temp1,escala1,temp2,escala2):
dados = ()
if escala1 == 'C' and escala2 == 'C':
soma = temp1 + temp2
dados = (soma, 'C')
elif escala1 == 'F' and escala2 == 'F':
soma = temp1 + temp2
dados = (soma, 'F')
elif escala1 == 'F' and escala2 == 'C':
soma = convertCelsius(temp1) + temp2
dados = (soma, 'C')
elif escala1 == 'C' and escala2 == 'F':
soma = convertFarenheit(temp1) + temp2
dados = (soma, 'F')
return dados
def main():
temp1 = float(input())
escala1 = input().upper()[0]
temp2 = float(input())
escala2 = input().upper()[0]
if __name__ == '__main__':
Examples of entries:
- temp1 = -84.6
- escala1 = F
- temp2 = 15.7
- scala2 = C
Return will be : (-49.077777777777, 'C').
Put fstring f{soma:.4f}
to be able to round off to 4 decimal places will return : ('-49.0778', 'C'), but I do not want to return with the quotes in the float.
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– Leticia Rosa
I’ve already made the change
– rick