Hi, how are you? As Paulo said the for loop is wrong, in fact it does not need this repetition loop to do the assignment of the pop_rate variable, doing so:
pop_rate = pop_diff/year_diff * 100
I also noticed that in your return it is like this
return("The rate of population growth "+"City_name "+" in the year is "+str(pop_rate)+" %!")
Where the City_name parameter of your function is in quotes, in the case when leaving the function you will see instead of the name of the city "City_name"
Not to mention that as you put this message in the return of the function, to view it you should use the print method in it getting like this:
print(Grow_population_rate(parm1, param2, param3, param4, param5))
To remove the need of the print method, I suggest you put it inside the body of the function, and in the return put only the pop_rate that can be used in the future and will be hidden in the output, the code would be + or - like this:
def Grow_population_rate(year_1, year_2, City_name, pop_1, pop_2):
pop_diff = pop_2 - pop_1
year_diff = year_2 - year_1
pop_rate = pop_diff/year_diff * 100:
print("The rate of population growth "+ City_name +" in the year is "+str(pop_rate)+" %!")
return pop_rate
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