How to copy text from the Tcxgrid component (Table)


Viewed 98 times


I have a table that I want to copy her text, so when the user copies it, he can paste it anywhere. but in the properties of the component I do not find.inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Devexpress components usually have a lot of response on their website, see if this solution helps you:

  • 1

    Thanks for your help, but I found another way to copy the column, thank you.

  • not at all, if you can share here the answer to your question is good for all who are with this same problem, good luck.

1 answer


I couldn’t find a way to copy directly through the components of tcxGrid, at first it does not accept the copy when it is used in table form, but when it is used by SQL data this change is possible, in my case as I was using as table I had to create a menu with the information "copy" and in it I passed the data with the following command:

uses clipbrd;

Clipboard.AsText := tblMovimentaEstoque.DataController.Values[tblMovimentaEstoque.DataController.FocusedRecordIndex, cxcNf.index];

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